Beliebte Suchanfragen


8.8.2013 | 2 minutes of reading time

The SoCraTes2013, Software Craftsmanship and Testing #3 , took place on 1st to 4th August in Seminarzentrum Rückersbach nearby Aschaffenburg (@socrates_2013)

This year codecentric sponsored this conference, because we see craftmanship as one of our basic pillars of our professional self-understanding.

There were more than 80 attendees (and most are already part of the Softwerkskammer  community). Besides Germans there were also great people from Finnland, France, Switzerland and the London craftmanship community.

David Völkel and me attended this year, and we met many highly experienced, passionated people!

For me it was great, to share knowledge and discuss usual problems, by getting into very interesting discussions easily, e.g.

  • how can Behavior Driven Design help to make communication easier and more clear
  • how to measure quality by adding an indicator about the impact of a failing tests
  • do metrics help to create better software
  • how and in which areas functional programming concepts can help
  • how to refactor unit tests
  • what is 400% test coverage, and does it make sense

At Thursday evening, the conference started with a World Café to get introduced to each other. This was moderated by Pierluigi Pugliese. As an subtile ice breaker, we also had to tell a personal fun fact!

The next two days started with a “market place” where all talks and sessions were organized by the attendees, and run as Open Space sessions.

So, there were about 50 session of one or two hours each day, with these main topics:

  • Optimizing overall testing, e.g. Agile Testing, Baby Steps, refactoring tests, tests in different languages, “are integration tests a scam” and isolated gui testing
  • Functional programming: introduction, and advanced topics, or patterns like monads, and when this concepts help

On Sunday, after these two intensive conference days, Martin Klose facilitated an exciting Code Retreat day, with six sessions with different pairs and these constraints:

  • after starting with a simple Game Of Life implementation in TDD style,
  • no tests at all, just debugger and console output for verification!
    • Felt like living in the 80ties! I do not want to do that again!
  • taking over the result from another pair and trying to figure out how their code works, then adding unit tests
  • and refactoring for better unit testing
  • function programming style:
    • I found that using functional programing concepts in a regular language like java was a great experience while this made the code unexpectedly much easier to understand, while removing if/while/for constructs!
  • redo one of the session which made “fun”.

Thanks to all attendees who made this great event happen, and of course, the organizers for their great work!

This year it was organized by the Softwerkskammer group Nuremberg, thanks a lot, René Füger and Marco Emrich, for your work!

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