Beliebte Suchanfragen

Main Sponsor and Exhibitor at the Java Forum Stuttgart

2.7.2008 | 1 minutes reading time

Today we are with our booth at the Java Forum Stuttgart and present our services on performance, architecture and open source technologies. Our LCD displays the performance diagnostic tool dynaTrace diagnostics and shows, how you analyze a live JBoss Cluster under load. We simulate the load of 10 simultaneous users using Apache JMeter . Besides that demo we mainly advertise our two “Core” trainings Core Java Performance and Core JBoss Technologies for experienced developers and architects.

Carsten’s talk on Advanced JBoss Cache is about to start, and when Carsten is holding a talk, then its for sure “Advanced”. 🙂

As Partner of SpringSource we also distribute a Spring Source Toolkit, which contains besides the Enterprise versions of Spring also a real tool – that kit does really attract a lot of people to our booth.


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