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A Retrospective on 2010

21.1.2011 | 4 minutes of reading time

While TV stations record and broadcast their review of the year’s events already in November or December, we follow the agile tradition and thus look back only after the year (2010) has actually ended.

Changes in 2010

We continued to grow steadily during 2010 and by now employ over a hundred IT specialists. But we did not just grow in numbers, but also expanded our reach geographically by adding 3 more sites to our map.

In Novi Sad , Serbia, we ramped up an additional agile nearshoring location. The main responsibility of our “Mobile Competence Center” is the research and development of mobile “Apps” for iOS and Android Smartphones and Tablets. During December our first customer made their app available in the AppStore, making the short development cycle a real success. While the app does not offer much for non-german speaking people, you can still have a look at it here: VGH autoMobil .

Mid-year we additionally founded new offices in Dordrecht reaching for the benelux market with our Agile Software Factory and Services of Performance Solutions.

Our newly created unit Performance Solutions received a major boost with our new office in Munich. Additionally, we were able to partner with the highly successful startup company AppDynamics , which offers a state-of-the-art APM solution with astonishing ease of use. 50 new customers during the first 6 months after the product went public – that undeniably proves the need for it.

Our Agile Software Factory has been working for customers in many projects and still found time to innovate. As one artifact of this innovation, codecentric became Program Development Partner and host of the Professional Scrum Developer Course of

With similar efforts, codecentric employees contributed to plenty of open source projects, with special focus on the test automation toolkit robotframework , which we use in our projects for automated acceptance tests.

Our project teams experimented with different kind of Extreme Feedback Devices to always stay informed on the state of their project. They work pretty well, I think.

Moving applications into the cloud was technology-wise the major challenge. Some projects were already started, like with our customer Eismann, who is running on Amazon EC2 now. In 2011 more will most likely follow.

To further exchange and improve our agile knowledge, we created the Agile Meetup in Dusseldorf in fall 2010. We had 3 meetups already, and got great feedback.

Document Solutions finalized a major project in 2010, which consolidated scanning and processing of subsidy claims for health insurance for civil servants. The 3 federal states Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia cooperated on this project. 100 new jobs were created by the increased processing volume for North Rhine-Westphalia
in Detmold.

In 2010 we also had plenty of first class events, hosted by our meet the experts. Those included the Certified Scrum Master Training by Boris Gloger, an Acceptance Test Workshop by Elizabeth Hendrickson, and the famous Java Specialists Master Course by Dr. Heinz Kabutz.


An essential value of codecentric is the knowledge of its employees. Therefore, we continued to invest into the 4+1 week, but also added softskill and language trainings for everybody.

As usual, our employees had lots of opportunities to celebrate, either in small team organized events, or company-wide events like at our canoe-tour or the Christmas party, which brought us some remarkable speeches. A special codecentric tradition.

We demonstrated our competence at several fairs and conferences in 2010, including a keynote at the W-JAX and various sessions at XP-Days, OOP, or gearconf. Of course we are planning to continue with this in 2011 and are looking forward to meeting you live. A soon to come opportunity is the JAX, where we are proudly hosting the Performance Day .
If you cannot attend or meet us in person, we are always very happy to discuss with you via our new hompage and of course this blog.

Apropos Blog

We are very happy to see you all reading our blog! During 2010 we had about 50 thousand readers. Those numbers are for the web alone, some more people read our blog via its RSS feed. During 2010 we wrote and published 95 posts in German and 73 in English, numbers that we hope to topple in 2011.

As a small side project for our blog, we started the codecentric podcast, which has already 5 episodes out on itunes. We got nice feedback for those episodes as well as for our newly launched Facebook page for IT specialists , running under the brand apprenticeship program “more4fi”.

So there is a lot to do and to achieve this year. Let’s get started!


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